hello from sickville!
day #6 of sickness in the hudgins house. jordans on antibiotic #2 and showing little improvement. needless to say this week has been RUFF. we are all tired and ready to be well again. we'll be taking J back to the doc on Monday for some HELP. he had been refusing bottles (juice, formula, water, anything) since Thursday but today started drinking a little. Whatever this is he has it bad! We're keeping our spirits up though and i'm sure all will be well soon....here are some pics from sickville and an example of what sleep deprivation can do....
hey sickie!

starting to pull up on toys, etc.

cough syrup stains all over the sleeper...

is this not the saddest sick face you've ever seen?!?!?!

food makes everything better.

i was attempting to pour a bottle and got all the way to 8 oz before i realized the bottom wasn't on the bottle and water was dripping onto my foot. yeah, i was suffering from sleep deprivation BIG time.

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