12 lbs 4 oz
22 inches
edited to add:
someone asked what % that was.
weight: 97%
height: 75%
jordan weighed this at 2 months old. so he already has a good month on his bro!
Labels: jaxon
12 lbs 4 oz
Labels: jaxon
i asked asah last night where this month had gone. thinking it over, i can break it down by weeks for you:
Labels: jaxon
double diaper change.
Labels: family
i've been doing tons of research on colic and breastfeeding....and we've put a couple of things into practice which (seem) to have helped.
Labels: colic
i began pumping once/day to build up a supply of milk for bottles for later on so that we can go on a date, asah can feed jaxon, etc.
Labels: humor
long time no post.
Labels: jaxon
we're home! we made it safely here in far less time than it took to get to GA last week. the boys did okay, poor jaxon is a trooper.
i just called our house and our answering machine clicked on. power is ON! we will be trekking home tomorrow. please pray over this trip for us. the one here was SO HARD on jaxon. poor little guy has been through so much in a week...please pray for smooth, SAFE travels. it's the last thing i want to do, put him in a carseat for that long again, but we really want to be home.
Labels: hurricane
Jaxon's jaundice has improved. We prayed last night for this to be the case; because like i said i just dont need "one more thing"....
we are still safe n sound in GA...the hurricane did cause some damage in and around Hammond; of which the Mayor said was "worse than Katrina". power is out everywhere but we got good news this morning from some friends that our home is OK! praise the Lord! they went over and walked around and everything looked fine.